
Posts tagged with Mitte

  1. Death of the Kabarett Wintergarten

    2024-05-18 11:18:00 UTC

    Step into the roaring twenties and experience the vibrant nightlife of Berlin’s Central Hotel and Wintergarten The Wintergarten (Friedrichstraße Nr 143-149) was one of Berlin’s best-known variety theatres located in the heart of the city, a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.  Owned by Hermann Gebers, this…

  2. Luftangriff – 1 September 1940

    2022-09-02 10:45:00 UTC

    ‘Berlin has Alarm in new R.A.F. raid’  British Formation Reported Broken Up at Elbe Before Reaching the Capital.’ The New York Times, Sunday, September 1, 1940 – Photo: ullstein bild. On the night of 31 August / 1 September, 1940, RAF Bomber Command aircraft overflew…

  3. Der Hansaplatz-Bezirk

    2022-03-14 15:31:00 UTC

    [Severe devastation can be seen in this aerial picture of the northern Tiergarten and Hansaviertel district after the war, taken in winter 1945.] Photo: Senatsverwaltung für Bau- und Wohnungswesen Berlin Luftbildstelle. Located in the northwestern Tiergarten, the Hansaviertel was built from the intersection of three main streets in a star-shaped…

  4. Luftangriffe auf Pergamon

    2021-10-08 18:19:00 UTC

    Photo: ©Zentralarchiv/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (ZA 1.1.6./04906). During the research work about Berlin city, its streets and its inhabitants during the war and the air bombings, it is quite common to come across photos that show the ruined state and the damage caused by the war, most of them taken…

  5. Pergamonmuseum in Berlin

    2021-03-31 14:59:00 UTC

    Telephos and the Großdeutschland myth Photo: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Zentralarchiv; CC NC-BY-SA If there is a museum of the many that Berlin has that dazzles all its visitors and it is unique in transferring the modern visitor to the Ancient world and mythology, that is Pergamon. From…

  6. James-Simon-Galerie

    2019-08-29 18:37:04 UTC

    There is a new building at Berlin Mitte This city is in continuous development and innovation and the past of time is changing the capital, further away from the wounds suffered during the 1939-45 war. The new James-Simon-Galerie, designed by David Chipperfield Architects serves as the new entrance building for…

  7. Ruined Berlin in Valery Faminsky’s eyes (II)

    2019-02-24 18:50:05 UTC

    Second part of the pictures taken by Soviet war photographer Valery Faminsky (1914–1993) during the Fall of Nazi Berlin in May 1945. [Major S L Rogatchevsky, a Soviet medical officer, poses next to a propaganda slogan painted on a wall by SS members during the battle that reads: ‘Berlin stays…

  8. Ruined Berlin in Valery Faminsky’s eyes

    2019-02-17 15:01:00 UTC

    These pictures were taken by Soviet war photographer Valery Faminsky (1914–1993) during the Fall of Nazi Berlin in May 1945. This archive was discovered recently in Moscow. He photographed the Red Army’s combat from Ukraine to Berlin. Photographer Arthur Bondar heard that the family of Faminsky was selling the album…

  9. The Opera - The Prussian statues

    2019-01-28 19:45:00 UTC

    This is how the Staatsoper Unter den Linden area looked short time after the end of the war in the summer of 1945: a mass of ruin and rubble [Photo by Hildegard Dreyer. Deutsches Historisches Museum (GOS-Nr. BA010457)] Before the end of World War Two, next to the main entrance…

  10. The Opera - Year Zero and Postwar

    2019-01-20 20:34:50 UTC

    The reconstruction Following the fall of the Third Reich, 1945 was ‘Year Zero’ for Berlin, and so it was for the Staatsoper. The ancient Opera, renamed at that time as Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin, was one of the first historical buildings at the German capital secured against further decay…

  11. The Opera - Hitlers favourite

    2018-12-29 22:37:56 UTC

    If there was a building at Berlin favourite for the Führer that was the Opera… Its importance and history, its location in Berlin Mitte in the middle of Unter den Linden Avenue, and its musicians, made it a symbol of the city. A symbol raised to the altars by…

  12. 100 Jahre - Frieden und Revolution

    2018-11-25 18:20:23 UTC

    Last week marked the end of the First World War, with the armistice signed in 1918. Thus ended “the war that was to end all wars”. [Photo: Alamy.] [Photo: TheChicagoDailyTribune.] The world as we know, as historian Eric Hosbawms says, started that day. No other city was in the middle…

  13. This is Berlin!

    2018-10-14 19:10:03 UTC

    In the last years Berlin city has undergone a radical transformation, with an influx of money from public institutions and private companies, far away from the cold days of the German reunification in 1990. This has benefited in the architectural modernization and services improvement for its inhabitants but in contrast…

  14. Fliegerbombe am Berliner Hauptbahnhof!

    2018-05-13 15:06:15 UTC

    This is a British 1000-pounder (500 kg) MC bomb from 1944 today at Berlin Mitte. Thousands of people around Berlin’s Hauptbahnhof (the main railway station in the city) were evacuated last week to allow disposal experts to defuse an unexploded World War II explosive dropped by Bomber Command and unearthed…

  15. Feuer!

    2018-04-23 19:53:04 UTC

    Fire, as Bomber Command well knew, was the biggest destroyer of property On 23 September 1941, Britain’s Air Staff produced a report detailing the effectiveness of German incendiary attacks on Britain and recommending that fire be a central feature of Bomber Command attacks. The key lesson to be…

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