
Posts tagged with friedrichstrasse

  1. Zerstörung am Haus der Schweiz

    2018-12-09 18:23:37 UTC

    Here we can see the destroyed roof of the “Haus der Schweiz” and adjacent building at Unter den Linden 22/23 Ecke Friedrichstraße 155 on these two images taken from a video film. This original film-footage filmed on 10 April 1941 recorded the damage taken from the previous night raid by…

  2. The Swiss House

    2017-10-30 23:21:17 UTC

    In the corner where Unter den Linden meets Friedrichstraße, there is a house with more than 85 years of history in Berlin. Today, this building stands as one of the original places of the city and a survivor of the Allied bombing campaign and the Luftangriffe of the Second World…

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