
Posts tagged with brandenburgertor

  1. Ivan kommt

    2017-06-12 15:03:00 UTC

    Berlin was also bombed by the Soviets, years before the final Red assault over the city in 1945 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, the largest offensive in History at the time, and German forces quickly advanced through the vast steppe towards Moscow, the main target.…

  2. Flakscheinwerfer

    2017-06-07 16:32:33 UTC

    At night, Berlin first system defence was based mainly in the use of anti-aircraft searchlights (Flakscheinwerfer). Hundreds of them were positioned around- and in the city, and their task were to find and track enemy bombers, showing them to the anti-aircraft batteries at night [A German Flakscheinwerfer in

  3. Victory Graffiti

    2017-05-08 12:21:51 UTC

    May 8th means to European countries V-E day: the victory over Nazi-Germany in 1945 To Berlin, it means the start of a new era. From the ashes of the destroyed Third Reich would raise a new-born country that would be the economic and political engine of the European Union together…

  4. The Bitter End

    2017-05-02 16:32:13 UTC

    On 2 May 1945, the last garrison which defended Berlin finally surrendered to superior Soviet troops. Hitler had committed suicide on April 30th [Photo: Bundesarchiv.] In the photograph, in front of the destroyed Brandenburger Tor and a Soviet IS-2 heavy tank is Yevgeny Khaldei, the Soviet war photographer…

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