
Posts tagged with Zimmerstrasse

  1. Bombensturm! (Part II)

    2018-05-03 12:37:00 UTC

    The Incendiary Bombs [Haus Vaterland (“Fatherland House”) burns following a night raid on 22/23 November 1943 by British RAF bombers. The building was a pleasure palace on the southwest side of Potsdamer Platz. At left, a S-Bahn signal post.] Photo: Ullstein bild / Archiv Golejewski Incendiaries (IB), usually…

  2. Feuer!

    2018-04-23 19:53:04 UTC

    Fire, as Bomber Command well knew, was the biggest destroyer of property On 23 September 1941, Britain’s Air Staff produced a report detailing the effectiveness of German incendiary attacks on Britain and recommending that fire be a central feature of Bomber Command attacks. The key lesson to be…

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