Posts tagged with Sherman
Innsbrucker Platz
2021-10-13 19:07:00 UTCDer „Tiroler“ Platz [An aerial view of Berlin-Schöneberg district with Hauptstraße running at centre, seen from the railway at Innsbrucker Platz in 1930. The original Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche and its distinctive rounded tower is at top centre.]
Photo: The Innsbrucker Platz in Berlin was the post-war location of our previous post…
Die Amis arrive!
2021-09-16 13:26:00 UTCPhoto by James Jarche/Paul Popper/Popperfoto. Berlin, 1945 Nach Kriegsende: an American Sherman tank is parked in front of a S-Bahn station with a shattered apartment building and a destroyed tram stop background. Next to it, the tank’s crew stand in a relaxed pose and a few metres away a…