Posts tagged with Pergamon
Luftangriffe auf Pergamon
2021-10-08 18:19:00 UTCPhoto: ©Zentralarchiv/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (ZA 1.1.6./04906). During the research work about Berlin city, its streets and its inhabitants during the war and the air bombings, it is quite common to come across photos that show the ruined state and the damage caused by the war, most of them taken…
Pergamonmuseum in Berlin: Post 1945
2021-04-11 19:29:22 UTCKriegsende und Neubeginn Photo: AC Byers / Hein Gorny / Collection Regard. When World War II ended in Europe in May 1945 and the Third Reich capital was seized by Soviet troops, Berlin’s Museumsinsel was in a desolate condition; most of the buildings were badly hit by air strikes and…
Pergamonmuseum in Berlin
2021-03-31 14:59:00 UTCTelephos and the Großdeutschland myth Photo: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Zentralarchiv; CC NC-BY-SA If there is a museum of the many that Berlin has that dazzles all its visitors and it is unique in transferring the modern visitor to the Ancient world and mythology, that is Pergamon. From…
This is Berlin!
2018-10-14 19:10:03 UTCIn the last years Berlin city has undergone a radical transformation, with an influx of money from public institutions and private companies, far away from the cold days of the German reunification in 1990. This has benefited in the architectural modernization and services improvement for its inhabitants but in contrast…