
Posts tagged with Luftwaffe

  1. Crashed at Wittenbergplatz, Berlin

    2022-10-18 18:17:00 UTC

    Tonight you are going to the Big City.  You will have the opportunity to light a fire in the belly of the enemy that will burn his black heart out’– Sir Arthur Harris, Commander-in-Chief Bomber Command – Photo: Wings Aviation Museum. At around 03:20 hrs, amongst a…

  2. Hansaviertel runway

    2022-03-03 15:49:00 UTC

    The take-off was made under hailing Russian fire and as the plane rose to roof-top level it was picked up by countless searchlights and at once breaketed in a barrage of shelling’. – Hanna Reitsch, 29 April, 1945 – Photo: LIFE © Time Inc (115928934). It was mid…

  3. Evacuad Madrid!

    2019-03-16 13:27:16 UTC

    Yesterday I had the honor to assist to the presentation of the map of “Madrid bombed. 1936-1939”, an initiative of the architects Enrique Bordes and Luis de Sobrón (@madrid1936_1939) of the UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the collaboration of the Madrid city council It is the first time…

  4. Der Schwarze Tod

    2018-11-04 15:59:29 UTC

    THE SHTURMOVIK OVER BERLIN AGAIN 1945 - 2018 73 years later, a Soviet Il-2 Shturmovik flies again over Germany during ILA (Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung) April 2018 Berlin air show at Schonefeld airport. One of the outright show stars of this year event was the beautiful Ilyushin Il-2…

  5. Bombensturm! (Part III)

    2018-06-12 21:51:00 UTC

    MC Bombs: [Armourers from No 97 Squadron preparing MC-bombs on their trolleys to be loaded onto a Lancaster bomber on July 1943 at RAF Waddington.] The limited and inadequate arsenal of bombs composed of the high explosive GP (general purpose) bombs (10-15% detonation failure rate) made British Bomber Command to…

  6. The defences – Air detection (III)

    2017-05-30 07:59:36 UTC

    The Freya systems of the German early warning radars were highly successful, but they need another set to help in targeting air objectives Anti-aircraft targeting radars, or FuMG (from Funkmeßgerät, or radar) were not in service when the war broke out. From 1939, GEMA and Telefunken starting to develop…

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