
Posts tagged with 1945

  1. The Swiss House

    2017-10-30 23:21:17 UTC

    In the corner where Unter den Linden meets Friedrichstraße, there is a house with more than 85 years of history in Berlin. Today, this building stands as one of the original places of the city and a survivor of the Allied bombing campaign and the Luftangriffe of the Second World…

  2. The defences – Air detection (III)

    2017-05-30 07:59:36 UTC

    The Freya systems of the German early warning radars were highly successful, but they need another set to help in targeting air objectives Anti-aircraft targeting radars, or FuMG (from Funkmeßgerät, or radar) were not in service when the war broke out. From 1939, GEMA and Telefunken starting to develop…

  3. Victory Graffiti

    2017-05-08 12:21:51 UTC

    May 8th means to European countries V-E day: the victory over Nazi-Germany in 1945 To Berlin, it means the start of a new era. From the ashes of the destroyed Third Reich would raise a new-born country that would be the economic and political engine of the European Union together…

  4. The Bitter End

    2017-05-02 16:32:13 UTC

    On 2 May 1945, the last garrison which defended Berlin finally surrendered to superior Soviet troops. Hitler had committed suicide on April 30th [Photo: Bundesarchiv.] In the photograph, in front of the destroyed Brandenburger Tor and a Soviet IS-2 heavy tank is Yevgeny Khaldei, the Soviet war photographer…

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